classified by occupation; 100 %, if classified by test
"*": classified only by IQ; classification by occupation gives about 55%; n = 820.
some cousins were still to young and did not have full opportunity to become distinguished
"-": no data
Galton, Francis: Hereditary Genius. London 1869.
100 famous men (n = 43) of science (mathematics and natural sciences) have famous male relatives.
Oden, M. H.: The fullfillment of promise: 40-year follow-up of the Terman gifted group.
Genetical Psychology Monographs 77 (1968) 3-93.
The mean IQ (transformed to 100;15) of the sample of probands was 146 (n = 724); the cut-off score IQ 137.
Brimhall, Dean, R.: Family resemblances among American men of science.
The American Naturalist 56 (1922) 504-547; 57 (1923) 74-88, 137-152, and 326-344.
In 1915 questionnaires were filled in by 956 distinguished American men of science and their relatives.
Weiss, Volkmar:
Mathematical giftedness and family relationship. European Journal for High Ability 5 (1974) 58-67.
Highly gifted males (mean IQ 135 +/- 9) and their relatives in professions, typically associated with an IQ above 123.
Hochbegabtenuntersuchungen aus aller Welt
Additional data and publications:
IQ of Nazi leaders, cited from: Gilbert, G. M.: Nuremberg Diary. New York: Signet Book 1947, p. 34; Wechsler-Bellevue IQ: Hjalmar Schacht IQ 143, Arthur Seyss-Inquart IQ 141, Hermann Göring IQ 138, Karl Dönitz IQ 138, Franz von Papen IQ 134, Erich Räder IQ 134, Dr. Hans Frank IQ 130, Hans Fritsche IQ 130, Baldur von Schirach IQ 130, Joachim von Ribbentropp IQ 129, Wilhelm Keitel IQ 129, Albert Speer IQ 128, Alfred Jodl IQ 127, Alfred Rosenberg IQ 127, Constantin von Neurath IQ 125, Walter Funk IQ 124, Wilhelm Frick IQ 124, Rudolf Hess IQ 120, Fritz Sauckel IQ 118, Ernst Kaltenbrunner IQ 113, Julius Streicher IQ 106 - "confirming the fact that the most successful men in any sphere of human activity - whether it is politics, industry, militarism or crime - are apt to be above average intelligence."
Weiss, Volkmar:
Major genes of general intelligence. Personality and individual Differences 13 (1992) 1115-1134
Weiss, Volkmar:
The advent of a molecular genetics of general intelligence. Intelligence 20 (1995) 115-124 (Editorial)
High-IQ Societies
A collection of articles on
Intelligence and IQ
Prof. Dean K. Simonton, Links to Genius; Giftedness and Talent; Intelligence; Savants; Geniuses, Creators, and Leaders